Sunday 10 July 2011

Carbon Tax cf. Safe Driving

What if Safe Driving was to be treated in the same way as Carbon Polluting.

For safe driving, there are 2 options.
Penalty for non-safe driving, ie having an accident.
Reward for safe driving, here say not having an accident for 12 months.

The Penalty and Reward. If you have an accident, then you must drive 10 km/hr slower.
If you drive for 12 months without an accident, you are allowed to drive 10 km/hr faster. If you have an accident, your speed limit is not increased.

Where would we be in ten years time?

With Penalties
If you are accident prone or a down-right un-safe driver, you will be sitting by the side of the road going no where.
And before then, you will have been delaying and frustrating other drivers behind you, as each year you driver slower.

With RewardsIf on the other hand you are a safe driver, you will be zooming down the freeway at speeds up to twice what you may do today.
Getting to work or back home in half the time. Getting to holiday destinations or sporting events quicker, allowing you more relaxation and enjoyment time.
This reward system sounds great!

Under the Penalty proposal.As a driver, you have no choice. You can maintain the status quo or go backwards. Being a safe accident free driver has no benefit, you just never have to pay for repairs.

Under the Rewards proposal.As a driver, you have a choice. If you drive at the higher speed the risk of an accident increases, but the opportunity to travel faster exists.
If you do have an accident, you may be held back; but you have another choice, learn to be a safer driver.

How can this relate to Carbon Polluting and the Carbon Tax?

The Carbon Tax will penalise our carbon generating "drivers", having greater costs imposed, slowing down the economy.
In ten years time, Australian industry at best will be where they are today, and at worst will be sitting by the side of the economic freeway going no where.

Carbon generating "drivers" should be given a choice.If they produce "safer" emissions, they should be given the opportunity to get ahead. Some may get ahead quicker than others.
Some may be held back by other carbon generating "drivers" (their suppliers) who are unsafe carbon generator "drivers".
Again they have a choice, pick the "safer" carbon generator "driver" for supplies.

Win-Win here.The "safe" carbon generator "driver" supplier gets a new client to supply, and the "safe" carbon generator "driver" consumer is no longer held back by a slow driver.

Australia needs a Win-Win. Australia does not need to be sitting by the side of the economic road in 10 years time!

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